According to the reports, in Novermber 2021, the sky in New Delhi was obscured by a thick layer of grey smog, monuments and high-rise buildings were engulfed in the smog, and people struggled to breathe - it's that time of year again in the Indian capital.
The city's air quality index fell to a "very poor" level on one Sunday with levels of deadly particulate matter reaching around six times the global safe level in many areas, according to SAFAR, India's leading environmental monitoring agency. NASA satellite imagery also showed a thick haze blanketing most of India's northern plains. Among many cities in India, New Delhi makes the list every year.

The crisis deepened in winter for New Delhi. Smog was traped deadly low in the sky because of neighboring states burned agricultural residues and it’s low and cooler temperatures. Then the smoke drifted into New Delhi, causing a surge in pollution in the city of more than 20 million people, exacerbating an already existing public health crisis. The New Delhi government have to order schools to close for a week and construction sites to close for few days. Besides, government offices have also been told to switch to working from home for a week to reduce the number of cars on the road. The capital's top elected leader have to conside the possibilities of a complete lockdown of the city.

India's pollution problem isn't limited to the capital. Over the next few decades, India's energy demand is expected to grow faster than any other country. Some of this demand is expected to be met by highly polluting coal power – a major source of carbon emissions that pollute the air.

Prime Minister Modi announced that the country will commit to stop emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by 2070 — 20 years after the United States and 10 years after China. Coal in India has high ash content and low combustion efficiency, leading to increased air pollution. But millions of Indians depend on coal to make a living.
It’s essential to have the air cleaner to purify the air quality for a better living space.
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Post time: Mar-04-2022